Raquette Lake Supply

1 Main St, Raquette Lake, NY

General Store

The first general store was near St. William’s Church on Long Point and the Durant Post Office and Telegraph, not far from the hotel Under the Hemlocks. It was built by Moynehan about 1889. When the Raquette Lake Railway opened in 1900, William West Durant moved the Post Office and Telegraph near the new station, on the site of the present village of Raquette Lake. The general store soon followed.


In 1903, after seeing the success of the railway bringing visitors to the area, Moynehan built the Raquette Lake House next to the station in the center of the return loop. It did a good business and soon an addition was built on the south end, increasing capacity to 200 guests.


About 1920 the three owners purchased the Raquette Lake Transportation Company (railway, steamers, car floats) from Dr. Seward Webb. A few years later the same group purchased the Lucy Carnegie property on the north shore and ran the North Point Inn for three decades.


After the disastrous 1927 fire consumed the hotel, general store, three steamers and much of the village, Raquette Lake Supply as we know it today was rebuilt.


For years all the baked goods were made on-site – donuts, bread, cakes, yeast rolls – and showcased in the glass display cases still in use in the center aisle. Whether you need a wick for your lantern, hardware, fresh meats and vegetables, ice, gasoline, postcards or an ice cream cone, it is all available at Raquette Lake Supply.