Adventures with Oakland

13 Cantwell Way, Saranac Lake, NY

My love affair with the outdoors was a long time coming.  I grew up as a tomboy in the era when I wasn't allowed inside until the street lamps came on.  As I grew my wanderlust gave way to sports and academia.  After graduating from SUNY Plattsburgh I could not get away from the North Country fast enough, I felt the mountains held no place for me. After traveling for years I found myself yearning for the Adirondacks, making many pilgrimages back to see my family and relax. 

Something about these mountains kept calling me back.  

I came back 13 years ago and have never looked back.  I became a guide, a search and rescue K9 handler, certified in all sorts of technical rescue but most importantly a mom.  

I love seeing my playground through the eyes of others.  I use my background to help others achieve success when they think they can't possibly accomplish something. It is my greatest pleasure to help others free their mind and soul through nature.

In was the students I work with that gave me the trail name of "Fierce Mama Bear"..because first and foremost everyone's safety is my number one concern and I protect everyone as if they are my own kin.