Chamber of Commerce
39 Main Street, Saranac Lake, NY
Our Values:
- We do everything with our values in mind.
- We assume the best of intentions in people and give everyone the benefit of the doubt.
- We do what we say we are going to do.
- We do everything thoughtfully and with high quality.
- We give feedback directly, respectfully, and with a focus on solutions.
- We communicate our needs and expectations openly and do not get angry at others’ failures to fulfill expectations we never clearly set.
- We actively listen and are open to feedback and improvement.
- We take responsibility for our mistakes and learn from them.
- We acknowledge our roles in conflicts and participate in finding and implementing solutions.
- We plan to the best of our abilities and take timely actions using available information.
- We take calculated risks and view failures as learning opportunities.
- We are not afraid to change course as more information becomes available.
- We support each other and give everyone a chance to learn and to improve because we believe individuals are the key to societal transformation.
- We are not afraid to have courageous, sometimes even painful conversations that may lead to the positive transformation of our organization, of Saranac Lake, and of the wider community.
- We recognize our role in supporting leaders and organizations to transform policies and systems.
- We encourage and create opportunities for diverse communities to support each other and build solidarity across identities.
- We are thoughtful about our privileges and how they affect our interactions with others.
- We create environments that allow for voices that are often less heard to be heard, including checking in with those who tend to be quieter, and asking more dominant voices to step back and do more listening.
- We acknowledge and celebrate the strengths and differences in others, and do not assume that the ways we are used to doing things are the only correct ways to do things.
- We create a space for everyone. We actively build an environment where everyone of any race, ethnicity, class, age, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, accessibility needs, or country of origin feels welcomed and seen.
- We welcome and encourage energetic conversations across diverse perspectives and challenge each other respectfully.
- We take time to get to know each other as individuals.
- We support each other to learn and to grow.
- We have a good sense of humor and find fun and joy in our work.
- We are thoughtful of everyone’s needs when coordinating events and activities. We consider accessibility challenges and strive to accommodate everyone.
- We are thoughtful of our impact on the environment as we do our work.