Warren County Fish Hatchery
The Warren County Fish Hatchery is operated by the Parks, Recreation and Railroad division of the Warren County DPW. The Hatchery has been in operation since 1914, however Warren County obtained the facility from New York State in 1982. Since then we have enjoyed great success in raising domestic brook trout, rainbow trout, landlocked Atlantic salmon, and heritage brook trout.
The property consists of 38 acres along the Hudson River located in the Town of Warrensburg. Aside from the Hatchery, these grounds offer 2 sheltered picnic areas with rest rooms, a children’s play area and canoe access site, as well as a large open area for other activities. We have become a favorite spot for picnickers and fisherman alike! We offer reservations for the use of the picnic pavilions on a first come basis.
The fish raised here provide improved sport fishing throughout Warren County waters. Domestic strains of rainbow and brook trout are stocked every spring as yearlings. Wild strains of brook trout, provided by DEC, are raised and stocked as fingerlings each fall. These fish are 3 to 4 inches long. Please refer to our stocking list for more information on location and numbers.
In the Visitor Center you will find an educational video describing the year round hatchery routine and educational displays. A self guided tour and stocking information are located in the Visitor Center.
The Hatchery Building is where the process all begins (This area is off limits to visitors except under staff guided tour). Our fish are obtained as eggs from state and federal hatcheries. They are incubated, hatched and transferred to “grow out” in our raceways. In the summer months they will be moved to rearing ponds for future growth.
The facility currently utilizes (10) ten rearing ponds and a Display Pond. The Display Pond allows visitors a close up view of mature trout. Their ages range from 1 to 5 years and may weigh upwards of 5 lbs. These fish are typically not stocked and are for display only.
The Hatchery and ponds are spring fed from a collection ditch. The water is gravity fed, so there is no need for pumps. These springs can provide up to 500 gallons of water per minute. Since there is always a constant flow of water, the ditch and ponds never freeze in the winter months. The average annual temperature is 48 degrees Fahrenheit.