Gristmill Distillers

NY-73 Scenic, Keene, NY

We strive for quality, working to make smooth, classic spirits that can be sipped straight—but that are just as good in your favorite mixed libation with a dash of this and a garnish of that. We source locally, we mash locally, and we distill locally.

It takes some time and elbow grease to build a distillery, and even more time to craft and age whiskies and brandies that are worthy of a dram or two (or ten.)

We’ve committed to the long haul though, and we’re proud to literally start from the ground up. Our water flows straight from a spring within a few paces of our front door, our corn is grown by Adirondack Organic Grains in nearby Essex, and our brandy apples are grown, picked, and pressed fresh by Rulf’s Orchard, less than thirty-five miles down the road in Peru. Our barrels are made to order from U.S. Barrel, the oldest cooperage in the northeast and, luckily for us, only a couple of towns over in Wilmington. We’re a New York state farm distillery; we’re homegrown and our products are too.