High Peaks Church
It’s not about membership, it’s about relationship - relationship with God and with each other. We believe that the ministry of the local church is ordained by God & that it’s not His plan for anyone to do life (or ministry) alone. The local church creates opportunities for you to connect and serve with believers who are on the same journey as you. You'll find relationships to give you strength as you do life together. Here are some of our core beliefs:WHO WE ARE: We are a Bible-believing, non-denominational church.
ONE GOD: We believe that there is one God, that He is personal, almighty and perfect; that He created all things and that He exists eternally as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
HOLY SPIRIT: We believe that the Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the triune Godhead, and that He is active in the church today.
JESUS CHRIST: We believe that Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man. He died for our sins, rose from the dead and sits at the right hand of the Father. He is the only way to salvation.
WORSHIP: We believe that Biblical worship consists of singing, playing instruments, dancing, shouting, clapping hands, etc. Worship is an integral part of any believer's life, and should be passionate and lively.
BAPTISM: We believe that all new believers should be baptized by complete immersion in water.
BIBLE: We believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God, written by men as they were inspired by the Holy Spirit.
CHURCH: We believe that God has one universal church but desires for every believer to be an integral part of a local assembly.
EVIL: We believe that Satan (or Lucifer) is a real being who roams the earth seeking to destroy man. We also believe, however, that he is a defeated foe. Jesus made a show of him openly; in other words, Jesus showed His superiority over Satan.
REDEMPTION: We believe in the personal return and victorious reign of Jesus Christ, who will judge in equity and justice all people who have ever lived, giving over those who were unrepentant to eternal condemnation and receiving the redeemed into eternal life.