Jack & Taff Fitterer Bookbinding and Restoration
In this digital age when nearly any writing or image from throughout history can be accessed with a single click, the physical book may seem an anachronism. While ‘content’ is preserved and certainly made more widely available through digital means, the physical book is much, much more than just content. Handling and touching the book, we connect with the spirit of all those who had a part in its making and all of those who have read and used it. To the book collector, the physical book is an historical artifact. To the bookbinding historian, the physical book tells the story of changing technology both through the years and across continents. To the cultural historian, the physical book, especially one with inscriptions and marginal notes, reveals how people related to knowledge and to one another. To a family member the physical book connects generation to generation spanning the years, or perhaps the centuries.
Whether we are book dealers or collectors, family members, or caring for an institutional collection, each one of us is a steward of our collective cultural heritage. This heritage has been passed down by those who came before us. We are charged with its care for the time it is in our hands, and we will pass it on to those who follow. Our spirit joins with those of all others held our book.
As bookbinders our aim is to assist you in preserving your books in the most appropriate way. To do this, we will carefully inspect the volume and discuss with you possible treatment options and their costs. Together we can return your book to attractive and usable condition, making it possible for those in the future to be able to continue to read and enjoy it.